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XBox Compatibility

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Our Notes about XBox Compatibility

We have tested and confirmed that the MaxxStick R3 Pro and S3 Pro work with Xbox Series S and X. However, the MaxxStick needs to be in Keyboard mode. In Keyboard Mode, your movement is limited to 8 directions (Up, Down, Left, Right, and the corresponding diagonals). 360-degree movement is not supported.

  1. A USB Hub: Since the Xbox only has three USB ports and you need to connect four devices (MaxxStick, Xbox controller, keyboard, and mouse), you will need a USB hub. Connect the keyboard and mouse to the hub, and then plug the hub into one of the Xbox USB ports.
  2. An “always-on” Xbox controller: Plug an Xbox controller into another free USB port on the Xbox. Remove the batteries from the controller so it is forced to stay on. This prevents the Xbox from displaying notifications about a missing controller.
Steps to set up your MaxxStick
  • Connect the MaxxStick to a PC first: plug your MaxxStick into a USB port on your computer.
  • Switch to Keyboard Operation Mode: Connect to the Maxx Utility and switch the MaxxStick to keyboard mode. Ken Beans explains how to switch the MaxxStick into keyboard mode in his video:
  • Verify Keyboard Functionality: Open a keyboard testing website such as Move the joystick and check if the keyboard on the website responds to the joystick movements.
  • Connect to Xbox: Unplug the MaxxStick from your PC and plug it into a free USB port on your Xbox.
  • Configure Fortnite Settings: Go to the keyboard bind settings and set your keyboard movement binds to the same keys you set within the Maxx Utility.


Now, when you operate the MaxxStick’s thumbstick, your character should move.

Hope this helps.