Setting up your joystick
First Time Setup: MaxxStick R2
We are incredibly thankful for your purchase of our MaxxStick R2 keyboard joystick. Please follow the instructions on this website to make your first-time set up as easy as possible.
MaxxStick Ergo Now Shipping
We are incredibly thankful for your purchase of our MaxxStick R2 keyboard joystick. Please follow the instructions on this website to make your first-time set up as easy as possible.
R2 owners have the option to upgrade their MaxxSticks to R2.5
Designed to inject the power of R3 into your R2 keyboard joystick, this kit is a game changer.This kit will give you 1000Hz polling, built-in keyboard modes, and access to our new amazing web configurator.
Read our post here and watch our video to see more.
Unboxing the Maxxstick 360° Movement Joystick. Here is what’s included in the box when you purchase it from Amazon or our website.
Our Canadian minions have worked hard to make a well-packaged and beautiful joystick just for you.
Sign up for our mailing list to get the newest and latest firmware for your MaxxStick keyboard joystick.
Our installer takes care of all the heavy lifting to get you up and running. It will install our latest firmware, the custom MaxxStick app and all the drivers needed.
Allows thousands of different games to recognize and accept input from the MaxxStick.
Fine-tune the ergonomics and how the joystick operates for your favourite games.
This tiny app sips resources so you can be sure you are getting the most out of your joystick.
Updated Dec 2, 2022.
Learn how to optimally set up your keyboard with the Maxxstick Joystick, so you have the best grip for your gameplay.
Here is the steps and checks to take if you can not get movement working in Fortnite.
If you face any problems with your MaxxStick, DO NOT return it to your retailer. Our knowledgeable team is here to help. Get assistance for your purchase through the support page of our website.